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Yuk-E-Medicine Ball Activity Guide

Written By Cecilia Cruse, MS, OTR/L



They're Tactile! They're Weighted! They're Yucky! They're Irresistible!

If you've manipulated one of our Yuk-E-Balls then you won't be able to resist the size and feel of our Yuk-E- Medicine Balls! These highly tactile balls are a fluid filled PVC ball with smaller balls inside that roll around when manipulated. Their texture and weight make them ideal to help meet "sensory diet" needs for touch and heavy work input. Kids love the zany feel and will have their own ideas for use, but here are a few of our suggestions for the Yuk-E- Medicine Balls:

Yuk-E-Medicine Balls make great fidget toys! Fidget toys are part of a good "sensory diet". Holding something in the hand(s) usually at midline may help center a student's vision and hearing modes for better learning and keep inappropriate movements or otherwise busy hands occupied. Yuk-E-Medicine Balls are wonderful as two hand fidgets, great for bilateral motor coordination or getting the two sides of the body to work together.

Yuk-E-Medicine Balls make great seat cushions! Students with attention, learning and/or sensory problems sometimes have trouble sitting still. The Yuk-E-Medicine Ball can be used as a seat cushion in a chair, or on the floor during circle or story time. It helps provide the gentle movement and tactile input some children need without disrupting the entire class.

Yuk-E-Medicine Balls are fun to catch and throw! Their weight and texture make it a bit easier to track and catch, as they are slower than a normal ball. Children love the extra heavy work input they get when the Yuk-E-Medicine Ball is caught against the chest or plopped in a lap!

Yuk-E-Medicine Balls make a great heavy work task. Children with autism and other sensory processing problems often need extra input to the muscles and joints to help them stay calm and feel comfortable. Stacking the set of 6 Yuk-E-Balls can be a great heavy work activity to give just the right amount of this proprioceptive input. Can you stack the Yuk-E-Medicine Ball tower?

Yuk-E-Medicine Balls make a great fidget toy for the feet! Place a Yuk-E-Ball under one foot and roll back and forth. Provides soothing deep pressure and tactile input to the sole of the foot. Perfect for those children with sensory defensiveness or just wiggly or tired feet!

Yuk-E-Medicine Balls make beautiful balancers! Place one on a child's head and see if he can keep it balanced while standing or walking, or place one on an extended arm or leg for individual strength and balance.

Yuk-E- Medicine Balls are made of a pliable foam like shell with large PVC balls, floating in a non-toxic gel. and are latex free. They come in 6 color-coded weights. To clean your Yuk-E-Balls use a germicide wipe or wipe down with mild soap or a gentle bleach/water solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water). Yuk-E-Medicine Balls are not recommended for the mouth and can be a choking hazard, so not for children under 3. Recommended for ages 4 and up.