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WebCube™ Activity Guide



The Sportime WebCube is the simplest, portable spider web design on the market. This innovative spider web design, which requires less than 5 minutes to set up, and no bungie cords or strings to tangle, is also one of the only designs to actually provide feedback to the team when the web has been touched (the cube gently tips over). The WebCube is a cube of PVC tubing and connectors that, when carefully balanced in the custom stand, provides a web initiative that requires teamwork to accomplish.

Goals And Objectives

The goal is for each member of the team to pass through the cube, with the help of other team members, without tipping the cube over. For safety, we recommend that all participants passing through the cube be in contact with at least one other person at ALL times (this discourages acrobatic leaps through the web, and encourages better spotting, and more contact between participants). Each person should identify one side of the cube to enter, and a different face to exit. After successfully completing this path, the path becomes closed, and other participants will need to identify other faces to enter and leave the cube. With 6 faces, and 5 possible exits for each entry location, a total of 30 different paths are possible.

The team must analyze the web, assess the abilities of each individual and then develop a plan. This must be done before any activity, accounting for everyone in the group. A major theme and consideration must always be the development of self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem in a group setting.

Safety First

Self-Limiting Participation � A Safety Consideration
To solve this problem the participants are involved in strenuous physical activity. Depending on the solution, the group must lift (and/or be lifted) through the openings in the web. Participation must be an individual choice. Peer pressure, fear of a failing grade or other �influencers� have no place in this activity. As the supervisor you must be sure that each individual is accepting an appropriate amount of challenge but not overextending to a point of danger. The group can be positive about their enthusiasm with no pressure.


Playing It Safe
Set the �tone� for participation prior to the start of any activity. You must know the personality of the group that is solving the problem. It is the responsibility of the group leader to keep the group moving towards a solution. The activity supervisor must keep all members focused on a safe solution to the problem.

  1. Always place mats under the web.
  2. Teach your group how to �spot� to rescue a falling person.
  3. Teach your group how to lift a heavy object. It is also important that the group not grab clothes.
  4. Be sure that the communications skills of the group are up to the task.
  5. No one is permitted to touch the frame.
  6. No one may go around or over the frame.
  7. No one may jump, dive or be thrown through the web.
  8. If a person suddenly decides not to continue with the present course of the activity, the group must stop immediately. It is suggested that you set an emergency stop signal to stop activity until the problem is resolved.
  9. This is not a �timed� activity. Although the group must be aware of all parameters and limitations, speed should not be presented as this adds an unnecessary element.

Phone Booth
Using the WebCube without the customized stand (i.e., sitting flat on the floor), the WebCube becomes a modern day version of the 1950s challenge of stuffing phone booths (or Volkswagens). The object here is to fit the maximum number of team members within the perimeter of the cube (imagine a large cardboard box). This activity requires a real commitment from the team and the careful placement of team members so that everyone can fit into the space available.

All Aboard
The next activity uses just one face of the WebCube for a PVC version of Phone Booth. The goal here is for the entire team to stand within the perimeter of the PVC frame, long enough to sing one verse of �Row, row, row your Boat.�

Follow The Leader

Challenge: To get the entire group from one side of the electric fence to the other.

  1. No one may touch the electric fence at any time.
  2. Should a touch occur, offer the group one or a combination of the following penalties:
    • The person who touched must go back.
    • The entire team starts over again.
    • Allow the group to decide on an appropriate penalty.
  3. Participants may not jump or dive over the electric fence line. Anyone traveling over the electric fence line must be spotted.
  4. The group must remain in constant physical contact with each other in some way. If this connection breaks down between any person, the group starts again.
  5. Only the supplied equipment may be used. NOTE: Do not supply the group with any additional equipment. This rule will keep the group from using boards or other devices to help them travel over the electric fence line.
Safety: Follow safety guidelines as described earlier in this guide.