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Rope Spinning Made Easy with Twirl-A-Loop™ Activity Guide

By Dan Fogle



Roping has been around for centuries. The earliest ropers were in the Persian army under Xerxes� command in 480 B.C. In Rome, gladiators, called lagreators, used lariats. The Huns, Tartars, and Mongols were all users of ropes in ancient times.

Roping was brought to the Americas by the Spaniards. Some of the best ropers come from South America where they braid rawhide to make their lariats. These first uses of rope were for combat or to capture animals for branding. The first trick ropers, or at least the first to introduce rope spinning to the United States, were the vaqueros from Mexico. Rope trick spinning is, probably the only �circus art� to come from the Americas.

In the early part of the century, about 1920 to 1930, trick roping was taught in many schools across the United States. Many fine ropers, including Will Rogers, Frank Dean and Ben Pitti have come from the United States.

And now, rope spinning is made easy to learn by the using the Twirl-A-Loop!

First, roping develops gross and fine motor skills. It also builds rhythmic skills while strengthening the wrist and deltoid muscle groups. As you spin the loop, explore the areas affected by this exercise.

You will notice by touching the wrist and upper arm areas with your free hand the movements of those muscle groups.

Twirl-A-Loop was designed to enhance motor skills and promote self-esteem by being fun and user friendly. However, if used improperly, injury could occur. Please use Twirl-A-Loop for its intended purpose, trick rope spinning.

On the Twirl-A-Loop, the WHEEL is the circle that forms the spinning lasso. The HONDA is the fixed loops that close the WHEEL and provide for the upper extension of the SPOKE. At the far end of the spoke is a small bead-like handle; designed to allow for a free spin. This handle is held by the thumb, index and middle finger only.


Place the Twirl-A-Loop on the ground and open the loop so it is round. Grasp the bead in your fingertips with your palm and fingers down. Raise the loop off the ground and make a flat circular motion with your arm as if stirring a large pot of soup. (Make the circle about as large as the loop.)

As the loop forms a circle, stir smaller circles until you are slowly stirring a cup of hot chocolate. Stir slowly and feel the loop turning. Some times it helps to close your eyes to get the rhythm. Don�t spin too fast!


Now it�s time to learn some tricks! Are you ready?!?! These will be helpful as you use larger and larger trick ropes.

Two Handed Start
Hold the honda in the upturned palm of your non-spinning hand with the spoke going across your body. Grasp the bead with the thumb and the first two fingers of your spinning hand. Now reach down and grasp the loop with your remaining fingers on the spinning hand.

Flip the honda across your body with your non-spinning hand and grab the loop. Now you should be holding a loop with both hands.

While holding the bead tightly, throw the loop down, not out, in a flat circular motion, release the loop, and start twirling in small circles.

One Handed Start
This is the same as the Two Handed Start, but when you flip the honda across your body, don�t grab the loop in your non-spinning hand. Now you�re holding the loop and the spoke in your spinning hand only. Throw down in a flat circular motion and start twirling.

Try the next tricks using both hands.

Beginner Tricks

First, try to twirl the loop with both hands.
While spinning the loop, walk around the circle forwards and backwards.
Turn in one place while the loop. spins. (Pivot)
Touch the floor while spinning the loop.
Hop while spinning the loop.
Balance on one foot while spinning the loop.
Kneel on both knees while spinning the loop.

Intermediate Tricks

Balance on one foot and touch the floor while spinning the loop.
Sit down while spinning the loop.
Lie down while spinning the loop.
Pass the loop from hand to hand under an uplifted leg.
Pass the loop from hand to hand behind the back.

Advanced Tricks

Spin two loops at the same time.
Kneel while spinning two loops.
Hop while spinning two loops.
Bounce the loop up over the head and lasso yourself.
Spin the loop low and slow and as the spoke and honda passes in front of you try to step in and out of the loop quickly.
Try this every third spin of the loop, then every second spin, and finish by stepping in and out of every spin. (Skip the spoke.)

Partner & Team Work

Pass the spinning loop back and forth.
Pass the loop to your partner under the leg.
Pass the loop to your partner behind the back.
Pass the loop under the leg to your partner behind their back.
Combine tricks, get creative!
Put on some music and Square Dance with the "Twirl-A-Loop".
Try line dancing with the loop.
There is much, much more but this should get you on your way.

Happy Roping!

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