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Rip Tag Activity Guide

Written By John Schenkenselder



Congratulations on your Sportime purchase. Rip Tag promotes hand/eye coordination, aids in the development of reaction time, agility, balancing skills and more. The following suggestions and ideas are meant to help you and your students get the most from this product.

Important Safety Guidelines

  1. Not for children under 3 years old.
  2. Adult supervision and guidance is advised during play.
  3. Be sure bands are worn comfortably, not too tight or too loose.
  4. Never place bands around the neck, head, ankle or upper thigh areas. Doing so may result in serious injury.
  5. Rip Tag should be played only in cleared areas free of obstructions to avoid tripping or falling onto objects.
  6. Players should avoid catching the band on fixed objects.
  7. Bands should be removed immediately after play.

Suggested Guidelines For Play

  1. You can play inside or outside, with 2 or more contestants.
  2. Play with adult supervision at all times.
  3. Define the size of the playing area based on the number of players and the amount of activity you are encouraging.
  4. Establish boundary areas to provide an area for rest, recovery and an area to place captured flags.
  5. Use time limits for periods of play. This allows the game to stop periodically. Count tags and report the score.
  6. All players should wear a tag to participate. If a player's tags are taken, a teammate must give up his/her own tag in order for the tagless player to play again.
  7. Add variety by allowing walking, skipping, hopping, running forwards and backwards and relays.
  8. Make sure players wear tags far enough above wrists so the player cannot hold the tag in their hand.
  9. Tags can be used in place of pinnies to separate teammates and scrimmages.

Game Enhancement Ideas

  1. Play as a warm-up or cool-down game. Play "capture the flag" or play with a frisbee.
  2. Create a slalom course with bands attached to objects or teammates. This game encourages participants to use both hands, while reaching and stooping.
  3. Create an obstacle course by attaching tags on teammates in various locations. The score is based on the amount of time needed by the players to collect all the tags.
  4. Play the game by putting tags on, rather than pulling tags off.
  5. Play on scooter boards.
  6. Play in wheel chairs.
  7. Play "monkey in the middle."
  8. For basketball or soccer: Have players dribble the soccer ball or basketball while playing the game.
  9. Rip Tag Karate: When played on a mat, Rip Tag is similar to non-contact karate.
  10. Rip Tag Air Ball:
    • Mark off 2 end zone scoring areas.
    • Opposing teams must carry a ball through the scoring area.
    • The ball may be thrown, kicked or carried in any direction.
    • The ball is awarded to the opposing team if it touches the ground; a flag is taken from the ball carrier; the ball goes out of bounds; a time limit is used and called or a limited number of steps are used and a player has exceeded that number.
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