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Hit Kit Activity Guide

Created And Written By Anne O. Riley



It might have come naturally to the Will Clarks and Ken Griffey Jrs. of the world, but for many children the simple skill of hitting a baseball isn�t always easy. In fact, it can be a monumental task just to knock the ball off the tee.

The Hit Kit is an innovative way to teach correct hitting fundamentals. This patented batting training device is simple to understand, and easy to use and store. It does not require adult supervision or participation to be effective. It can be easily integrated into a team practice setting. Most importantly, it helps simplify one of the most complex skills in sports.

The Hit Kit provides children an opportunity for success by supplying a tool to teach proper fundamentals of hitting. By using a color-coded system, the Hit Kit establishes proper hitting and stance technique through proper repetition. Each player is placed in the correct position in the batters box so the power zone of the bat contacts the ball across home plate. Although the Hit Kit is designed for the young or novice hitter, field tests have shown all ages can benefit from this system.

Primary Benefits

Sets A Player Up For "Instant Batting Success"
The Hit Kit teaches a novice ball player the most strategic place to stand in order to increase the possibility of striking the bat on the ball within the desired "power zone." Stance and body placement are essential elements to batting success. Using the Hit Kit prepares the untrained player to hit the ball by supplying this vital information before the player ever swings the bat.

Saves Time And Energy For The Teacher/Coach
Correct repetition is crucial for batting success. Most young athletes need to be constantly reminded of the basics of batting technique. As most teachers and coaches are aware, a great deal of time and energy is spent physically moving players into position every time they are at bat. The Hit Kit eliminates this step. Use of the color-coded system determines individual batter placement. Once players know where and how to stand, teachers and coaches are allowed to concentrate on the more complex aspects of hitting. To make better use of practice time, players are set up at the Hit Kit "stations" without constant supervision, allowing teachers and coaches time for one-on-one instruction.

Encourages Consistency For The Player
Correct technique is crucial for batting success. Establishing consistency is the key. Using the Hit Kit reinforces proper hitting form. A player knows to adjust tee height, where to stand and where the bat should make contact with the ball. By allowing these factors to be a "given," the player is consistently accurate when hitting the ball.

Sparks Confidence In Novice Players
Baseball is a very complicated game. Imagine being five years old and trying to understand how the game is played. It is vital the player experience early success in order to have the confidence and desire to continue the sport. Furthermore, eliminating fear of the unknown (i.e., how to hit the ball) will promote self-assurance. A young player armed with the basic knowledge of how to adjust the tee, where to stand, how to stand and where the bat and ball should make contact is more confident when up to bat.

Empowers The Player By Nurturing Success
By using the Hit Kit, the young player experiences batting success early and often. When a player experiences success early in any sport, he or she wants to practice more. The more the player practices, the more proficient he or she becomes. The more proficient, the more enjoyable the sport becomes. With great enjoyment and increase practice time, the player establishes a cycle of competence, confidence and fun. Early success is vital, continued success is empowering.

The Hit Kit is designed to improve the following fundamentals of hitting:

    1) Correct stance within the batters box.
    2) Proper alignment of the feet hips and shoulders in relation to the pitcher and home plate.
    3) Proper depth within the batters box for each hitter to achieve optimal batting performance.
    4) Proper placement of the batting tee height to increase the batter�s chance of hitting success.
It is recommended that the instructor place a bulls-eye on the practice baseball in the "sweet spot" (the area where the stitching is closest together) with a permanent marker and to designate the "power zone" of the bat (beginning 2½" from the fat end of the bat, ending 7½" down the bat) by marking the perimeter of the area with a permanent marker if the bat surface allows or using heavy duty tape (i.e., duct tape) single wrapped. Instruct the batter to rub the bulls-eye on the ball with chalk before each swing. Also, tell them to look in the power zone of the bat after each swing for a chalk mark.

This provides immediate feedback for the batter (and instructor) after each contact with the ball, reinforcing proper execution. For many children "looking for the chalk mark" is as much fun as hitting the ball, encouraging repetition. Repetition develops consistency and establishes muscle memory, allowing the batter to re-create the success in a situation where the visual cue for proper position in the batters box (color blocks) is not present.

In addition, if the chalk mark falls outside of the power zone on the bat, this alerts the instructor to any problems the child may be having in executing the swing (i.e., stepping out of the colored blocks, "pulling" the bat, etc.) and adjustments can be made.


1) Choose a level outdoor practice area to set up the Hit Kit. Set up a home plate designated as the "field" home plate. It is ideal to use the Hit Kit on the ball field at home plate.

2) Place the mat on top of the field home plate, aligning the home plate shape on the mat with the field home plate. When facing the tip of the field home plate (from behind the plate), the mat should be placed on the right side of home plate for a right-handed batter, to the left side of home plate for a left-handed batter. Place the batting tee on the area representing home plate on the mat.

3) The batter stands at the base of the batting tee and adjusts the height of the tee by raising or lowering the colored stem until the cup of the stem is the same height as the part of the hip bone that sticks out in front (the ileac crest).

4) The batter "reads" the color-coded tee stem to determine which color stripe is displayed where the stem enters the support tube of the batting tee. The corresponding color blocks on the mat are where the batter will stand.

5) Batter places baseball on the batting tee.

6) The batter lines up his/her feet on the corresponding color blocks on the mat by placing the toes of the lead foot on the block of color closest to the pitcher. The toes of the trailing foot are placed on the color block furthest from the pitcher. The batter adjusts the trailing foot to a comfortable stance.

7) The batter swings the bat and attempts to make contact with the ball.

8) Batter should realign foot position after every swing.

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