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CatchBall™ Activity Guide



CatchBall's unique design allows for its use from preschools to adults. Though ideal for developing eye- hand throwing and catching skills, CatchBall is at its best when used for kinesthetic activities that reinforce basic math proficiency. Both physical and cognitive skill development, are activated by CatchBall games.

Game 1

This game is for participants ages 5 through adult and teaches eye/ hand coordination as it enhances math and socialization skills. The object of the game is for a player or team to add or subtract points by catching the CatchBall by one of its 6 numeral/ color- coded SoftSpokes. Addition games begin at 0 and require 32 points to win; subtraction games begin at 32 and are won by reaching 0. An easier addition game can be played by beginning at 0, with the first player or team reaching 32 losing. The last two games are easier as they make the two zero-value yellow SoftSpokes more valuable.

Players with math problems should be helped and encouraged by other players, including their opponents. This interaction builds important socialization skills, encourages leadership development and builds trust.

At beginners levels consider the 32 or 0 point score as reached when they are equaled or exceeded (32 or more; 0 or less.) Intermediate and advance games should end only when the target numbers are achieved exactly.

Competitive games are played by two or more people. Individuals can practice by throwing the ball in the air and catching it themselves.


  1. Players stand facing each other; adults 20 to 30 feet apart; smaller children 10' apart.
  2. The CatchBall must be held by a SoftSpoke and thrown in a slow arc, allowing an opponent adequate time and opportunity to catch the ball.
  3. A CatchBall being thrown properly by opponent 1 and not caught by opponent 2 will result in opponent 2 losing a point.
  4. A CatchBall thrown by opponent 1 short of, too far to the left or right of, or too high over the head of opponent 2, will result in the loss of 1 point for opponent 1.
  5. Fast spins of the CatchBall are only allowed when agreed upon by opponents in advanced game.
  6. Points are added or subtracted according to the number of the SoftSpoke being caught.
    Yellow 0 points
    Blue 1 point
    Orange 2 points
    Green 3 points
    Red 4 points
  7. A choice of two game rules can be used for catching a CatchBall by the yellow SoftSpoke. In normal addition and subtraction games, it is treated as the number zero. In advanced addition games it zeros out the catcher's (or team's) score.
  8. A player may double the amount of points earned on any throw by calling out the color he or she will catch before the opponent throws. For instance, if a player calls red and catches red, the points on that catch double from 4 to 8 points. If the player does not catch the CatchBall by that color, double the amount of points of the color actually caught must be deducted from the player's score.
  9. In intermediate and advanced games, a target score must be reached exactly. If opponent 1 has 31 points, only a catch by the 1- point blue SoftSpoke will win the game. A catch of any SoftSpoke that increases the total above 32 is not considered as either a miss or a catch. No points are awarded or subtracted.

Optional Rules For 4 Or More Players When 4 or more players are involved, all rules remain the same. However, the ball should be passed as shown in the illustration below.

Game 2

Game 2 is played the same as Game 1 with the exception of Rule 7. Rule #7 is as follows: 7. Catching the CatchBall by one of the yellow spokes with the number "0" means you score no points for the throw. However, you do not lose any points as in the previous game.

Game 3

Game 3 is played the same as Game 1 with the exception of Rule 7. Rule #7 is as follows: 7. In this game, players try to catch the yellow spokes (players do not want to gain points.) The first player to reach 32 points is the loser. The player with the least points is the winner of this game.

Game 4

Players pass the CatchBall back and forth between teams, trying to catch the CatchBall by only the yellow spokes. If a player catches the CatchBall by any one of the other 4 spokes, that player is out of the game. The first team to run out of players has lost the game.

Game 5

Select two teams. Pass the CatchBall from one team to the other, trying to obtain the highest points. The first team to accumulate 32 points wins the game.

If a player catches the CatchBall by the yellow spoke, his team loses 1 player. If one team loses all of its players before reaching 32 points, that team loses the game.

Game 6

Older children can use CatchBall to practice math skills in multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction. The game leader calls out a number and the player catching the CatchBall has to either add, subtract, multiply or divide that number by the number by the number on the end of the spoke caught. It may also be played by the person catching the CatchBall calling out the number caught and the team leader giving out a number in which to add, subtract, multiply or divide.

Game 7

Individuals may play CatchBall alone by tossing the ball into the air and catching it, either to gain no points or adding points until they reach a score of 32.

Game 8

Individuals may play alone or in teams of two or more by placing two rings like hula hoops (not included) approximately 30' apart on the ground. Teams stand at either end of the playing field and toss the CatchBall trying to get inside the ring. Scoring is as follows:

  • Closest CatchBall to the outside of ring gets 1 point.
  • CatchBall landing inside ring totals the sum of the three spokes point in air.
  • Game is over when a score of 32 points is reached.

Game 9

CatchBall is great for the swimming pool also. It can be played as regular yard games or as a ring toss game, the difference being only one spoke will be out of the water. CatchBall landing closest to the ring will score 1 point. The one landing inside the ring will get 2 points plus the number of points on the spoke out of the water. The game is over when a score of 32 points is reached.

Younger children will enjoy holding on to two of the spokes and kicking their feet to move through the water.

Game 10

This game is also a ring toss game for the pool, except it is played with small, different colored rings (not included) and the CatchBall.

CatchBall is placed at each end of the pool for more than one player, or at a comfortable distance from the individual player. Players then toss the rings trying to get them to land on the spoke sticking out of the water. One point is made for each ring. The first player to score ten points wins.

Game 11

Catching the colors. Players toss the CatchBall back and forth from any distance they want. The catcher has to catch by the same color that the thrower used. Every throw has to be on a different color than the previous two throws.

Game 12

Players all stand on a playing field, and the pitcher calls out the name of the person he wants to catch the ball, then tosses the ball high into the air and that person tries to catch the ball.